RFP: Opportunity to Support Smart Growth Implementation and Assess Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Impacts in New York
/The New York Department of State (DOS) Office of Planning, Development and Community Infrastructure (OPDCI) is seeking consultant services to develop a Smart Growth Implementation Toolkit and Technical Assistance Program. The goals of the program are as follows:
identifying Smart Growth measures that are appropriate for diverse development typologies;
developing strategies for implementing such Smart Growth measures; quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impacts and other co-benefits associated with Smart Growth strategies and projects; and
developing user-friendly tools to help communities advance Smart Growth practices in their localities while assessing GHG emissions impacts.
As the State’s planning agency, DOS is interested in expanding and accelerating its support of communities in implementing Smart Growth while also understanding the impact of Smart Growth on GHG emissions and other impacts.
This project is part of OPDCI’s expanding involvement in various State, federal and local climate-related initiatives and will help DOS and local governments demonstrate the impact that land use decisions have on GHG emissions. This effort will support communities with developing, adopting, and implementing Smart Growth practices and policies appropriate for the community's specific context, calculating the GHG emission reductions of Smart Growth development, and helping the State meet the goals set forth in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). This project is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program, which was designed to pursue GHG emissions reductions and associated air pollution reductions through new technologies, operational efficiencies, and solutions transitioning the United States to a low-carbon economy.
Smart Growth Implementation and Technical Assistance Program Development Toolkit RFP is available on our website. Smart Growth Implementation and Technical Assistance Program Development Toolkit RFP is available on our website. Deadlines to submit questions are due December 2, 2024, and answers will be posted by December 16, 2024. All responses are due by January 7, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
Link to RFP: https://dos.ny.gov/smart-growth-implementation-toolkit-technical-assistance-program-development-rfp-24-opd-31
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