RFP: Rerelease of Request for Proposals for City of Dunkirk’s Zoning Code Update
/Rerelease of Request for Proposals for City of Dunkirk’s Zoning Code Update
The City of Dunkirk is seeking funding to update its existing zoning code to align with the recently adopted community-driven Comprehensive Plan. The intent is to create a limited form-based code or architectural design guidelines for the downtown and waterfront districts as well as to update code provisions in other districts to attract a mix of development types, foster and encourage social diversity and integration, strengthen the City's sense of place, enhance connections and mobility options, and support job creation.
The City of Dunkirk has been awarded funding from New York Department of State in 2023 from the Environmental Protection Fund Smart Growth Community Planning and Zoning program.
RFP can be found at: https://www.cityofdunkirk.com/bid_detail_T35_R60.php
Deadline for Submission is March 1, 2024.
Please address all questions to: Vincent DeJoy, Director of Planning & Development at: vdejoy@cityofdunkirk.com