· August 25 – County Planning Division – Finding Common Ground When Regulating Electronic Message Centers – Speakers: James Carpentier and Mike Freeborg
On-premise digital signs have demonstrated a proven ability to increase results for those that utilize them for commercial and community-oriented purposes. However, many communities are relatively unfamiliar with this rapidly evolving technology, and have concerns that these kinds of signs will create aesthetic, safety and enforcement problems for their communities. Nearly all stakeholders struggling with digital signs and their regulation often have the same questions, such as: • What really are these digital signs and how do they work? • How is electronic technology evolving? • Is there any way for the community-at-large to actually benefit from them? • How can we strike a balance between allowing businesses to use digital signs without creating aesthetic concerns? • How do we allow them without looking like Las Vegas, or negatively impacting community safety? • How do we regulate them in ways that are understandable and enforceable, without having to hire additional staff? Moderated by James Carpentier, AICP, and presented by Mike Freeborg, principal at Freeborg LLC, the presentation provides practical, solution-focused guidance that can set the foundation for regulations that allow for the opportunity to leverage this technology while protecting community aesthetic values and safety concerns.