· August 18 – Massachusetts Chapter – Zoning Reform in Massachusetts - Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going? – Speakers: Steve Sadwick, Arthur Bernard, Kristina Johnson, Michael Vivaldi
Over the past 20 years, planners have been actively working to reform Massachusetts' zoning laws. Last year, we came very close through a Senate bill. This year there are two versions of zoning reform bills in the Senate and House. The APA-MA Chapter and Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors have teamed up to deliver a webinar that explores the following questions: what is in these the House and Senate bills and which one do we support? How does bills impact communities? How can planners take an active role in fighting for zoning reform? Our speakers include seasoned planners working in the field and experienced with the past several years of zoning reform bills, and an attorney with Travaglini, Eisenberg & Kiley. We will wrap up with questions and answers.