How to Log CM Credits: You do not get credit for earning CM credits until you have logged them in your personal CM log on the national APA website. Here are instructions for updating your CM log.
- Visit the Certification Maintenance section of the APA website. You must log in using your e-mail address or APA member ID (located on your Planning magazine mailing label) and password.
- Click on the “My CM Log” link on the left hand side of your screen, then click on the “Add Credits” button located under your CM log summary.
- You can search either by date or provider. If you search under provider, events sponsored by the New York Upstate Chapter or any New York Upstate Sections are listed under the “APA” tab, as “APA New York Upstate Chapter.” All our events are listed under the “Past Events” tab. Click on the event that you attended and a pop-up box will appear.
- Click on the name of the session you attended. Under the tab “Add to my log” you will see the “Rating” tab. You must rate the session before it can be added to your log. Comments are optional. If you provide comments, you can choose to have them published to the website or not.
- You must click on the ethics statement affirming that you truly attended the session before it can be added to your log.
- Click “Submit” and the CM credits will appear in your CM log. If the session is NOT added to your log, please contact me.
- For the Chapter conference, all sessions will be listed under that one tab. You need to select, rate and add each session you attended to get credit for it. All other events are entered individually.
- Events sponsored by other organizations (e.g. New York Planning Federation, ULI, ITE, etc.), are listed under that organizations name, or you can search by date. The same process is used to submit those sessions.
- If you have been participating in the “First Fridays” webinars, those events are listed under the SPONSORING Chapter. They may be listed under the “Distance Learning” tab if you cannot find them under the “Past Events” tab. The flier for the series lists the sponsoring Chapter for each month’s webcast. (available at the Utah Chapter site: New events continue to be added to this series of free training events.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a tab listing “Free APA Online Training” on the “CM Activities” page. This tab lists CM opportunities available at no cost, like the “Tuesdays at APA” podcasts.
Members are the heart and soul of APA NYU Chapter and our Membership Officer Angela Keppel is a huge part of bringing value to our membership. Her insight and involvement allow us to grow in numbers and engage with members across the state.