Planning Excellence Award for Comprehensive Planning recognizes plans that advance the science and art of planning. Chautauqua 2020 The primary purpose of Chautauqua 20/20 is to chart a course that can be used by county government; its partners in the public, private and non-profit/institutional sectors; and by citizens in making decisions that affect the County’s future. The Plan presents a vision for the future of Chautauqua County, based upon the community’s values, from which a framework of goals and strategies were developed for a variety of key focus areas ranging from “Business Development” to “Active Living.” The plan was developed by the Chautauqua County Department of Planning and Economic Development with Wallace Roberts and Todd.
Planning Excellence Award for Best Practice recognizes a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that is a significant advancement to specific elements of planning.
Chemung County Highway Service Study The primary objective of the Study was to identify potential areas of cost savings and efficiencies while increasing the quality of common highway services and activities for all municipalities. The plan was developed in partnership with Chemung County and a dozen municipalities. The plan was created by the Laberge Group, Hunt Engineering and the University at Buffalo’s Regional Institute.
Historic Saratoga Washington on the Hudson Partnership Stewardship Plan The Stewardship Plan is a framework of strategies that will implement a long-term vision for the 35-mile linear corridor along the Hudson River from Waterford in the south to Fort Edward in the north. The Plan was created for the Historic Saratoga-Washington on the Hudson Partnership by the LA Group, P.C.
Planning Excellence Award for a Grassroots Initiative is awarded for an initiative that illustrates how a community utilized the planning process to address a need that extends beyond the traditional scope of planning.
Lake Erie Concord Grape Heritage Area Management Plan The Lake Erie Concord Grape Belt Heritage Area Plan embraces the unique characteristics of the Concord Grape Belt Heritage to create a memorable Grape Belt Area experience along Lake Erie and the Allegany Plateau Escarpment. The plan was developed for the Concord Grape Belt Heritage Area Association, in partnership with Chautauqua County, the Town of Westfield and other participating communities. The plan was developed by peter j. smith & company, inc.
Planning Excellence Award for Implementation recognizes efforts that demonstrate a significant achievement in accomplishing positive changes as a result of planning.
Village of Rouses Point Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization Plan: The Downtown and Waterfront Revitalization Plan, adopted in June 2006, was the blueprint for the Village’s efforts to take stock of its resources and strengths, while addressing those aspects of its economy and physical condition which were in need of improvement. Numerous policies and capital projects have resulted from the implementation of this plan. The plan was developed for the Village of Rouses Point with, Melissa McManus, LLC; NYS Department of State; Elan Planning, Design & Landscape Architecture, Hoffman-Villardo Architects, Bourne Engineering
Conesus Lake Watershed Management Plan Since the Plan was created in 2003, the Conesus Lake Watershed Council and watershed communities have leveraged $1.8 million in State funding for projects in the watershed. Watershed communities and Livingston County have committed almost $2.2 million in local share that, together with the State funding leveraged, has lead to the focusing of over $4 million into Conesus Lake projects from 2003 to 2011. The level of cooperation within and partnerships among the Watershed Management Plan committees and between agencies has been heralded as a successful example of how the process should work.
Planning Excellence Award for Innovation in Sustaining Places recognizes plans that demonstrate how sustainability practices are being used in how places are planned, designed, built, used, and maintained at all scales.
Confederation Park Master Plan Review and Update The plan created both an environmentally and ecnomiomically sustainable future for Confederation Park. The plan was developed by McKibbon Wakefield Inc.; G.O. Connor Consultants Inc.; Hamilton Conservation Authority; City of Hamilton; Forrec; and Insyght Systems.
Outstanding Student Project recognizes outstanding projects developed by accredited graduate planning programs at colleges and universities within the Upstate Chapter Area.
Kinderhook, Stockport, Stuyvesant Intermunicipal Trail Feasibility Study The study adapted sound planning and visioning principles to an uncharted rural setting, integrating and emphasizing the unique cultural, historic, and agricultural traits of this region to ensure a result that both introduced a new resource to the communities but also reinforced their preexisting character. The plan was created by the University at Albany’s Master of Regional Planning program’s fall 2010 trails planning studio lead by Faculty Advisor Jeff Olson, RA. Partners included Kinderhook-Stuyvesant-Stockport Trails Committee; Columbia Land Conservancy; National Park Service: Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program; and Hudson River Valley Greenway.
Fruit Belt: A Conservation District: The plan proposes using a “conservation district” to revitalize the Fruit Belt neighborhood in Buffalo A Conservation District is intended to be crafted by the residents of the neighborhood to meet the designated needs, goals, and outcomes of the neighborhood in terms of the level of preservation/conservation of existing historic fabric and provide guidelines to inform infill development. The plan was created but the fall 2010 Graduate Studio in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University at Buffalo lead by Adjunct Professor Kerry Traynor.
Distinguished Leadership: Elected Official
Former NYS Assemblyman Sam Hoyt
His advocacy for sound planning principles, his tireless efforts on behalf of urban revitalization, and his promotion of smart growth provide planners with the tools that we need to foster strong communities.
Sam authored the New York State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, which was passed in 2009. This law is
already spurring restoration of historic properties, both residential and commercial, all around the state.
Commercial projects already benefiting from the tax credit include:
Sam also authored the Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act, which lays the groundwork for New
York State to make smarter long-term infrastructure investments. Passed in 2010, the law created specific
guidelines to help the state make smarter, more sustainable infrastructure decisions. It combats sprawl by
redirecting funds to projects that strengthen neighborhoods and existing business districts. This law
established New York as a national leader in smart growth development while laying the groundwork for
more intelligent planning decisions at the state level.
Sam has been the leader on developing land bank legislation for a number of years. The bill allows up to ten
regions or cities across New York State to create land banks of vacant and abandoned properties. This law,
when signed by Governor Cuomo, has the power to foster economic growth through finding new uses for
vacant lots and getting them back on the tax rolls.
Sam has fought hard to strengthen Main Streets in Upstate by fighting for the expansion of the New York Main Street Program to provide resources for facade improvements and streetscape enhancements in our existing business districts. Recently, he helped local community groups secure half a million dollars in Main Street funds to help restore Grant Street, a struggling business district in Buffalo's West Side.
After nearly 20 years of service in the NYS Assembly, Sam recently joined Governor Cuomo’s administration serving as Sr. Vice President for Regional Economic Development at the Empire State Development Corporation.
Distinguished Leadership: Michael J. Kraser Professional Planner Award
Gary Palumbo, AICP, Project Manager, URS Corporation
Distinguished Leadership: Citizen Planner
Aaron Bartley, Executive Director, PUSH Buffalo: The mission of PUSH Buffalo is to mobilize residents to create strong neighborhoods with quality affordable housing, to expand local hiring opportunities and advance economic justice in Buffalo.
Michael J. Krasner Memorial Scholarship is a competitive award for a graduate student in the Urban and Regional Planning Program at the University at Buffalo. The $1,500 scholarship is awarded to the student that best exhibits: his/her commitment to planning issues in Western and Upstate New York; their intent to practice within the Upstate Chapter; and who best reflects the ideals of Mike Krasner. Tamara S. Wright, JD/Master of Urban Planning Candidate is the 2011 winner.
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